Source code for de_toolkit.wrapr

    detk-wrapr check
    detk-wrapr run [options] <rscript> [<counts_in>] [<out>]

    --rpath=PATH        Path to Rscript executable, inferred from the environment
                        by default
    --routput-dir=PATH  A directory name to write all of the relevant files to
                        when running this wrapr, useful for debugging an R
                        script if things go wrong, by default the directory
                        and files created are temporary and deleted after
    --meta-in=PATH      Path to metadata file corresponding to columns in counts,
                        same as is passed to other detk functions
    --meta-out=PATH     Path to metadata file corresponding to columns in counts,
                        same as is passed to other detk functions
    --params-in=PATH    Path to JSON formatted file containing parameters needed
                        by R script
    --params-out=PATH   Path to JSON formatted file to be created with output
                        from the R script
    --strict            Ensure counts column names and the first row of the
                        metadata file provided (if any) match, otherwise fail
from collections import defaultdict
from docopt import docopt
import json
import os
import pandas as pd
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory
from .common import CountMatrixFile, _cli_doc
from .util import which

class RscriptExecutableNotFound(Exception) : pass
class RPackageMissing(Exception) : pass
class RExecutionError(Exception) : pass

[docs]def get_r_path(): 'Return the path to Rscript found in the shell environment.' return which('Rscript')
[docs]def check_r() : 'Tests whether the Rscript executable can be found.' return get_r_path() is not None
[docs]def check_r_package(pkg) : 'Tests whether the R package *pkg* is installed.' p =' '.join([ get_r_path(), '-e', '"library({})"'.format(pkg) ]), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return p.returncode == 0
def require_r_package(pkg) : 'Check whether pkg is installed in R, and raise if not.' if not check_r_package(pkg) : raise RPackageMissing(('R package {pkg} is needed for this ' 'functionality. In R, try installing with:\n\n' 'install.packages("{pkg}")').format(pkg=pkg)) def require_r(*pkgs): '''Decorator for functions that require using R. Raises exception if either Rscript or jsonlite or other packages provided cannot be found. Can be called with or without arguments. When arguments are supplied, the arguments should be strings of names of R packages required by the decorated function. **Examples** @require_r def call_requiring_only_Rscript_and_jsonlite() : ... @require_r('logistf',...) def call_requiring_Rscript_jsonlite_and_logistf_and_others() : ... ''' # when decorated without arguments if callable(pkgs[0]) : f = pkgs[0] def decorator(*args,**kwargs): if not check_r(): raise RscriptExecutableNotFound('Rscript executable could not be ' 'found on PATH. Rscript is needed for this functionality') require_r_package('jsonlite') return f(*args,**kwargs) # when decorated with arguments else : def decorator(f) : def wrapped(*args,**kwargs): if not check_r(): raise RscriptExecutableNotFound('Rscript executable could not be ' 'found on PATH. Rscript is needed for this functionality') else : require_r_package('jsonlite') for pkg in pkgs : require_r_package(pkg) return f(*args,**kwargs) return wrapped return decorator def check_deseq2(): 'Tests whether the DESeq2 bioconductor package is installed.' wr = wrapr('library(DESeq2)') return wr.success @require_r def require_deseq2(f): '''Decorator for functions that require using DESeq2. Raises exception if the package cannot be found.''' def _f(*args,**kwargs): if not check_deseq2(): raise RPackageMissing('R package DESeq2 is needed for this ' 'functionality. In R, try installing with:\n\n' 'source("")\n' 'biocLite("DESeq2")') else : return f(*args,**kwargs) return _f _script_tmpl = '''\ args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE) counts.fn <- args[1]; metadata.fn <- args[2]; params.fn <- args[3]; out.fn <- args[4]; metadata.out.fn <- args[5]; params.out.fn <- args[6]; library(jsonlite) json <- readChar(params.fn,$size) params <- if(nchar(json) > 0) {{ read_json(params.fn,simplifyVector=TRUE) }} else {{ list() }} {script} '''
[docs]class WrapR(object) : ''' Wrapper object for calling R code with Rscript. .. note:: The attributes are only populated after the execute() method has been run Parameters ---------- rscript_path : str path to the R script to run counts : pandas.DataFrame, optional dataframe containing counts to be passed to R metadata : pandas.DataFrame, optional dataframe containing metadata to be passed to R params : dict, optional dict of parameters to be passed to R output_fn : str, optional path to file where R should write output, if not provided the output is written to a temporary file and deleted upon WrapR object deletion metadata_out_fn : str, optional path to file where R should write metadata output rpath : str path to the Rscript executable, taken from the PATH environment variable if None raise_on_error : bool raise an exception if R encounters an error, other wise fail silently and deadly Attributes ---------- output : pandas.DataFrame dataframe of the tabular output created by R script metadata_out : pandas.DataFrame dataframe of the tabular metadata output created by R script params_out : dict dict of the output parameters list created by R script stdout : str string capturing the standard output of the R script stderr : str string capturing the standard error of the R script retcode : int return code of the R process success : bool True if retcode == 0 Raises ------ de_toolkit.wrapr.RExecutionError when *raise_on_error* is True, raise whenever R encounters an error Examples -------- Basic usage accepts a path to an R script and loads the content of the file pointed to by *out.fn* in the R script into the *output* attribute: >>> with open('script.R','wt') as f : # note reference to implicitly defined *out.fn* # R variable f.write('write.csv(c(1,2,3,4),out.fn)') >>> r = WrapR('script.R',output_fn='test.csv') >>> r.execute() >>> r.output x 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 >>> pandas.read_csv('test.csv',index_col=0) x 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Can also use a context manager when the output doesn't need to be written to a named file: >>> with WrapR('script.R') as r : r.execute() print(r.output) x 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 The standard output of the R script can be accessed with the *stdout* attribute: >>> with open('euler.R','wt') as f : f.write('exp(complex(real=0,imag=pi))+1') >>> with WrapR('euler.R','wt') as r : r.execute() print(r.stdout) [1] 0+1.224647e-16i ''' def __init__(self, rscript_path, counts=None, metadata=None, params=None, output_fn=None, metadata_out_fn=None, params_out_fn=None, rpath=None, raise_on_error=True, routput_dir=None ) : self._files = {} self._paths = defaultdict(str) # custom rpath self._paths['rpath'] = rpath or get_r_path() # if routput_dir is specified, create the directory if necessary and # write all of the temporary files to it self.routput_dir = routput_dir self._tempdir = None if routput_dir is not None : pathlib.Path(routput_dir).mkdir(parents=True,exist_ok=True) else : self._tempdir = TemporaryDirectory() self.routput_dir = # load script code and put into the template that defines convenience # in/out filename variables with open(os.path.join(self.routput_dir,'script.R'),'wt') as f : self._files['rscript'] = f self._paths['rscript'] = with open(os.path.realpath(rscript_path),'rt') as f_in : f.write(_script_tmpl.format( f.flush() # write counts to tempfile with open(os.path.join(self.routput_dir,'counts.csv'),'wt') as f : self._files['counts_in'] = f self._paths['counts_in'] = if counts is not None : counts.to_csv(self._files['counts_in']) f.flush() # set counts output file if provided, otherwise create temp file self._paths['output'] = output_fn if output_fn is None : self._files['output'] = open( os.path.join(self.routput_dir,'counts_out.csv'), 'wt' ) self._paths['output'] = self._files['output'].name # write metadata to tempfile if provided with open(os.path.join(self.routput_dir,'meta_in.csv'),'wt') as f : self._files['meta_in'] = f self._paths['meta_in'] = if metadata is not None : metadata.to_csv(self._files['meta_in']) f.flush() # set metadata output file if provided, otherwise create temp file self._paths['meta_out'] = metadata_out_fn if metadata_out_fn is None : self._files['meta_out'] = open( os.path.join(self.routput_dir,'meta_out.csv'), 'wt' ) self._paths['meta_out'] = self._files['meta_out'].name # write out params json if provided with open(os.path.join(self.routput_dir,'params_in.json'),'wt') as f : self._files['params_in'] = f self._paths['params_in'] = if params is not None : json.dump(params,f) f.flush() self._paths['params_out'] = params_out_fn if params_out_fn is None : self._files['params_out'] = open(os.path.join(self.routput_dir,'params_out.json'),'wt') self._paths['params_out'] = self._files['params_out'].name # initialize output members self.output = None self.metadata_out = None self.params_out = None self.raise_on_error = raise_on_error @require_r def execute(self) : ''' Execute the R script and load in the resulting output files, if any. ''' # construct Rscript command cmd = ('{rpath} --vanilla {rscript} {counts_in} {meta_in} {params_in} ' '{output} {meta_out} {params_out}').format( **self._paths ).split(' ') # run the R script p = cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) self.process = p self.stdout = p.stdout.decode() self.stderr = p.stderr.decode() self.returncode = p.returncode self.success = p.returncode == 0 if self.raise_on_error and not self.success : raise RExecutionError('R encountered an error:\n\n' + 'stdout:\n{}\n\n'.format(self.stdout) + 'stderr:\n{}\n'.format(self.stderr) ) # read in the outputs if os.path.exists(self._paths['output']) : try : self.output = pd.read_csv( self._paths['output'], index_col=0 ) except pd.errors.EmptyDataError : pass if os.path.exists(self._paths['meta_out']) : try : self.metadata_out = pd.read_csv( self._paths['meta_out'], index_col=0 ) except pd.errors.EmptyDataError : pass if os.path.exists(self._paths['params_out']) : with open(self._paths['params_out'],'rt') as f : json_str = if len(json_str) > 0 : self.params_out = json.loads(json_str) # jsonlite puts all elements of lists into arrays, # recurse through params and replace length 1 lists # with the value def flat(e) : if isinstance(e, dict) : return {k:flat(v) for k,v in e.items()} elif isinstance(e, list) : if len(e) == 1 : return flat(e[0]) else : return [flat(_) for _ in e] else : return e self.params_out = flat(self.params_out) def __enter__(self) : return self def __exit__(self,*args) : # clean up the temp files if no r output directory was supplied if self._tempdir is not None : self._tempdir.cleanup()
[docs]def wrapr(Rcode,**kwargs) : '''Convenience wrapper for WrapR object. Writes *Rcode* to a temporary file and executes it as it would if it were provided. Parameters ---------- Rcode : str string containing valid R code to be executed Returns ------- obj A WrapR object executed with the code in input string Examples -------- >>> with wrapr('write.csv(c(1,2,3,4),out.fn)') as r : print(r.output) x 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 ''' with NamedTemporaryFile('wt') as f : f.write(Rcode) f.flush() wr = WrapR(, **kwargs ) wr.execute() return wr
def main(argv=sys.argv) : if '--version' in argv : from .version import __version__ print(__version__) return if len(argv) < 2 or (len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] not in ('check','run')) : docopt(__doc__,argv=argv) argv = argv[1:] cmd = argv[0] args = docopt(__doc__,argv=argv) if args['run'] : counts = None column_data = None if args['<counts_in>'] is not None : counts_obj = CountMatrixFile( args['<counts_in>'], args['--meta-in'], strict=args.get('--strict',False) ) counts = counts_obj.counts column_data = counts_obj.column_data params = None if args['--params-in'] is not None and os.path.exists(args['--params-in']) : with open(args['--params-in'],'rt') as f : params = json.load(f) with WrapR( args['<rscript>'], counts, column_data, params=params, output_fn=args['<out>'], metadata_out_fn=args['--meta-out'], params_out_fn=args['--params-out'], rpath=args['--rpath'], routput_dir=args['--routput-dir'] ) as wr : wr.execute() elif args['check'] : r = check_r() print('R found:',r,file=sys.stderr) if not r : raise RscriptExecutableNotFound( 'Rscript executable not found, wrapr interface and ' 'functions will not work' ) print('R path: {}'.format(get_r_path()),file=sys.stderr) jsonlite = check_r_package('jsonlite') print('jsonlite found:',jsonlite,file=sys.stderr) if not jsonlite : raise RPackageMissing('ERROR: R package jsonlite must be installed, ' 'wrapr interface and functions will not work' ) if __name__ == '__main__' : main()