Source code for de_toolkit.stats

Easy access to informative count matrix statistics. Each of these functions
produces two outputs:

- a json formatted file containing relevant statistics in a machine-parsable
- an optional human-friendly HTML page displaying the results

All of the commands accept a single counts file as input with optional
arguments as indicated in the documentation. By default, the JSON and HTML
output files have the same basename without extension as the counts file but
including .json or .html as appropriate. E.g., counts.csv will produce
counts.json and counts.html in the current directory. These default filenames
can be changed using optional command line arguments --json=<json fn> and
--html=<html fn> as appropriate for all commands. If <json fn>, either default
or specified, already exists, it is read in, parsed, and added to. The HTML
report is overwritten on every invocation using the contents of the JSON file.

    detk-stats summary [options] <counts_fn>
    detk-stats basestats [options] <counts_fn>
    detk-stats coldist [options] <counts_fn>
    detk-stats rowdist [options] <counts_fn>
    detk-stats colzero [options] <counts_fn>
    detk-stats rowzero [options] <counts_fn>
    detk-stats entropy [options] <counts_fn>
    detk-stats pca [options] <counts_fn>

    -h --help       Access detailed help for individual commands

cmd_opts = {
Compute summary statistics on a counts matrix file.

This is equivalent to running each of these tools separately:

- basestats
- coldist
- colzero
- rowzero
- entropy
- pca

    detk-stats summary [options] <counts_fn>

    -h --help
    --column-data=FN       Use column data provided in FN, only used in PCA
    --color-col=COLNAME    Use column data column COLNAME for coloring output plots
    --bins=BINS            Number of bins to use for the calculated
                           distributions [default: 20]
    --log                  log transform count statistics
    --density              Produce density distribution by dividing each distribution
                           by the appropriate sum
    -o FILE --output=FILE  Destination of primary output [default: stdout]
    -f FMT --format=FMT    Format of output, either csv or table [default: csv]
    --json=<json_fn>       Name of JSON output file
    --html=<html_fn>       Name of HTML output file

Calculate basic statistics of the counts file, including:
    number of samples
    number of rows

    detk-stats basestats [options] <counts_fn>

    -o FILE --output=FILE  Destination of primary output [default: stdout]
    -f FMT --format=FMT    Format of output, either csv or table [default: csv]
    --json=<json_fn>       Name of JSON output file
    --html=<html_fn>       Name of HTML output file
Column-wise distribution of counts

Compute the distribution of counts column-wise. Each column is subject to
binning by percentile, with output identical to that produced by np.histogram.

In the stats object, the fields are defined as follows:
        The percentiles of the distributions in the range 0 < pct < 100, by
        default in increments of 5. This defines the length of the dist and
        bins arrays in each of the objects for each sample.
        Array of objects containing one object for each column, described below.
    Each item of dists is an object with the following keys:
            Column name from original file
            Array of raw or normalized counts in each bin according to the
            percentiles from pct
            Array of the bin boundary values for the distribution. Should
            be of length len(counts)+1. These are what would be the x-axis
            labels if this was plotted as a histogram.
            Object with two keys, min and max, that contain the literal
            count values for counts that have a value larger or smaller than
            1.5*(inner quartile length) of the distribution. These could be
            marked as outliers in a boxplot, for example.

    detk-stats coldist [options] <counts_fn>

    --bins=N               The number of bins to use when computing the counts
                           distribution [default: 20]
    --log                  Perform a log10 transform on the counts before
                           calculating the distribution. Zeros are omitted
                           prior to histogram calculation.
    --density              Return a density distribution instead of counts,
                           such that the sum of values in *dist* for each
                           column approximately sum to 1.
    -o FILE --output=FILE  Destination of primary output [default: stdout]
    -f FMT --format=FMT    Format of output, either csv or table [default: csv]
    --json=<json_fn>       Name of JSON output file
    --html=<html_fn>       Name of HTML output file
Row-wise distribution of counts

Compute the distribution of counts row-wise. Each row is subject to binning by
percentile, with output identical to that produced by np.histogram.

In the stats object, the fields are defined as follows:
        The percentiles of the distributions in the range 0 < pct < 100, by
        default in increments of 5. This defines the length of the dist and
        bins arrays in each of the objects for each sample.
        Array of objects containing one object for each column, described
    Each item of dists is an object with the following keys:
            Column name from original file
            Array of raw or normalized counts in each bin according to the
            percentiles from pct
            Array of the bin boundary values for the distribution. Should
            be of length len(counts)+1. These are what would be the x-axis
            labels if this was plotted as a histogram.
            Object with two keys, min and max, that contain the literal
            count values for counts that have a value larger or smaller than
            1.5*(inner quartile length) of the distribution. These could be
            marked as outliers in a boxplot, for example.

    detk-stats rowdist [options] <counts_fn>

    --bins=N               The number of bins to use when computing the counts
                           distribution [default: 20]
    --log                  Perform a log10 transform on the counts before calculating
                           the distribution. Zeros are omitted prior to histogram
    --density              Return a density distribution instead of counts, such that
                           the sum of values in *dist* for each row approximately
                           sum to 1.
    -o FILE --output=FILE  Destination of primary output [default: stdout]
    -f FMT --format=FMT    Format of output, either csv or table [default: csv]
    --json=<json_fn>       Name of JSON output file
    --html=<html_fn>       Name of HTML output file
Column-wise distribution of zero counts

Compute the number and fraction of exact zero counts for each column.
The stats value is an array containing one object per column as follows:
        column name
        absolute count of rows with exactly zero counts
        zero_count divided by the number of rows
        the mean of counts in the column
        the mean of only the non-zero counts in the column

    detk-stats colzero [options] <counts_fn>

    -o FILE --output=FILE  Destination of primary output [default: stdout]
    -f FMT --format=FMT    Format of output, either csv or table [default: csv]
    --json=<json_fn>       Name of JSON output file
    --html=<html_fn>       Name of HTML output file
Row-wise distribution of zero counts

Compute the number and fraction of exact zero counts for each row.
The stats value is an array containing one object per row as follows:
        row name
        absolute count of rows with exactly zero counts
        zero_count divided by the number of rows
        the mean of counts in the row
        the mean of only the non-zero counts in the row

    detk-stats rowzero [options] <counts_fn>

    -o FILE --output=FILE  Destination of primary output [default: stdout]
    -f FMT --format=FMT    Format of output, either csv or table [default: csv]
    --json=<json_fn>       Name of JSON output file
    --html=<html_fn>       Name of HTML output file
Row-wise sample entropy calculation

Sample entropy is a metric that can be used to identify outlier samples by locating
rows which are overly influenced by a single count value. This metric can be
calculated for a single row as follows:
    pi = ci/sumj(cj)
    sum(pi) = 1
    H = -sumi(pi*log2(pi))
Here, ci is the number of counts in sample i, pi is the fraction of reads contributed
by sample i to the overall counts of the row, and H is the Shannon entropy of the row
when using log2. The maximum value possible for H is 2 when using Shannon entropy.

Rows with a very low H indicate a row has most of its count mass contained in a small
number of columns. These are rows that are likely to drive outliers in downstream
analysis, e.g. differential expression.

The key entropies is an array containing one object per row with the following keys:
        row name from counts file
        the value of H calculated as above for that row

    detk-stats [options] entropy <counts_fn>

    -o FILE --output=FILE  Destination of primary output [default: stdout]
    -f FMT --format=FMT    Format of output, either csv or table [default: csv]
    --json=<json_fn>       Name of JSON output file
    --html=<html_fn>       Name of HTML output file
Principal common analysis of the counts matrix.

This module performs PCA on a provided counts matrix and returns the principal
component weights, scores, and variances. In addition, the weights and scores
for each individual component can be combined to define the projection of each
sample along that component.

The PCA module can also accept a metadata file that contains information about
the samples in each column. The user can specify some of these columns to
include as variables for plotting purposes. The idea is that columns labeled
with the same class will be colored according to their class, such that
separations in the data can be more easily observed when projections are

    detk-stats pca [options] <counts_fn>

    -m FN --column-data=FN      Column data for annotating PCA results and
                                plots (experimental)
    -f NAME --column-name=NAME  Column name from provided column data for
                                annotation PCA results and plots (experimental)
    -o FILE --output=FILE       Destination of primary output [default: stdout]
    -f FMT --format=FMT    Format of output, either csv or table [default: csv]
    --json=<json_fn>            Name of JSON output file
    --html=<html_fn>            Name of HTML output file
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import csv
from docopt import docopt
import json
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas
import pkg_resources
import os.path
import scipy
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from string import Template
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
import sys
import warnings

from .common import CountMatrixFile, DetkModule, _cli_doc
from .report import DetkReport

[docs]def summary(count_mat, bins=20, log=False, density=False) : ''' Compute summary statistics on a counts matrix file. This is equivalent to running each of these tools separately: - basestats - coldist - colzero - rowzero - entropy - pca Parameters ---------- count_mat : CountMatrix object count matrix object bins : int number of bins, passed to coldist log : bool perform log10 transform of counts in coldist density : bool return a density distribution from coldist Returns ------- list list of DetkModule subclasses for each of the called submodules ''' total_output = [ BaseStats(count_mat), ColDist(count_mat, bins, log, density), #RowDist(count_mat, bins, log, density), ColZero(count_mat), RowZero(count_mat), Entropy(count_mat), CountPCA(count_mat) ] return total_output
[docs]class BaseStats(DetkModule) : ''' Basic statistics of the counts file The most basic statistics of the counts file, including: - number of columns - number of rows ''' def __init__(self, count_mat) : self.count_mat = count_mat @property def properties(self): #Get counts, number of columns, and number of rows return { 'num_rows': self.count_mat.counts.shape[0], 'num_cols': self.count_mat.counts.shape[1] } @property def output(self): ''' Example output output:: +basestats-+-----+ | stat | val | +----------+-----+ | num_cols | 4 | | num_rows | 3 | +----------+-----+ ''' return [ ['stat','val'], ['num_cols',['num_cols']], ['num_rows',['num_rows']] ]
[docs]class ColDist(DetkModule) : ''' Column-wise distribution of counts Compute the distribution of counts column-wise. Each column is subject to binning by percentile, with output identical to that produced by np.histogram. Parameters ---------- count_mat : CountMatrix count matrix containing counts bins : int number of bins to use when computing distribution log : bool take the log10 of counts+1 prior to computing distribution density : bool return densities rather than absolute bin counts for the distribution, densities sum to 1 ''' def __init__(self,count_mat,bins=100,log=False,density=False): self['params'] = { 'bins': bins, 'log': log, 'density': density } self['pct'] = pct = np.arange(bins)/bins self['dists'] = [] self.stats = stats = OrderedDict() for col in count_mat.counts: #to access the data in each column data = count_mat.counts[col] #Take the log10 of each count if log option is specified if log : data = np.log10(data+1) #for the histogram bin edges and count numbers n, dist_bins = np.histogram(data,bins=bins,density=density) binstart=dist_bins[:-1] bincount=n pctVal=np.percentile(data,100*pct) stats[col] = OrderedDict( binstart=binstart, bincount=bincount, pct=pct, pctVal=pctVal ) # unlog binstarts and pctVals if log : binstart = 10**binstart pctVal = 10**pctVal #make the dict for each sample self['dists'].append( { 'name':col, 'dist':list(zip(binstart,bincount)), 'percentiles':list(zip(pct,pctVal)) } ) @property def output(self) : ''' Tabular output is a table with four columns per input counts column: - bin start value (column name: sampleA__binstart) - number of features with counts or density in bin (sampleA__bincount) - percentile increment (i.e. 0, 1, etc) (sampleA__pct) - percentile value for corresponding percentile (sampleA__pctVal) ''' res = [] for col in self.stats : for colstat in self.stats[col] : res.append(['{}__{}'.format(col,colstat)]+list(self.stats[col][colstat])) return list(list(_) for _ in zip(*res)) @property def properties(self) : ''' In the properties object, the fields are defined as follows dists Array of objects containing one object for each column, described below. Each item of dists is an object with the following keys: name Column name from original file dist Array of (bin start, count) pairs defining the counts histogram percentile Array of (percentile, count) pairs defining the counts percentiles Example JSON properties output:: { 'dists' : [ { 'name': 'H_0001', 'dist': [ [5, 129], [103, 317], ...], 'percentiles': [ [0, 193], [1, 362], ...], }, { 'name': 'H_0002', 'dist': [ [6, 502], [122, 127], ...], 'bins': [ [0, 6000], [1, 6200], ...], } ] } ''' return { 'dists': self['dists'] }
[docs]class RowDist(DetkModule): ''' Row-wise distribution of counts Identical to coldist except calculated across rows. The name key is rowdist, and the name key of the items in dists is the row name from the counts file. Parameters ---------- count_mat : CountMatrix count matrix containing counts bins : int number of bins to use when computing distribution log : bool take the log10 of counts prior to computing distribution density : bool return densities rather than absolute bin counts for the distribution, densities sum to 1 ''' def __init__(self, count_obj, bins=100, log=False, density=False) : self['params'] = { 'bins': bins, 'log': log, 'density': density } self['pct'] = list(100*(_+1)/bins for _ in range(bins)) self['dists'] = [] for i in range(len(count_obj.feature_names)): #to access the data in each row data = count_obj.counts.iloc[i] #Compute log10 of each count if log option is specified if log : data = np.log10(data) #for the upper and lower outliers Q1 = np.percentile(data, 25) Q3 = np.percentile(data, 75) IQR = np.percentile(data, 75) - np.percentile(data, 25) #for the histogram bin edges and count numbers n, dist_bins = np.histogram(data,bins=bins,density=density) #make the dict for each row self['dists'].append( { 'name':count_obj.feature_names[i], 'dist':list(n), 'bins':list(dist_bins)[1:], 'extrema': { 'lower':[i for i in data if i < Q1-1.5*IQR], 'upper':[i for i in data if i > Q3+1.5*IQR] } } ) @property def output(self) : ''' Tabular output is a table where each row corresponds to a row with row name as the first column. The next columns are broken into two parts: - the bin start values, named like bin_N, where N is the percentile - the bin count values, named like dist_N, where N is the percentile ''' colnames = ['rowname']+\ ['bin_{}'.format(_) for _ in self['pct']]+\ ['dist_{}'.format(_) for _ in self['pct']] res = [colnames] for dist in self['dists'] : res.append([dist['name']]+dist['bins']+dist['dist']) return res @property def properties(self) : '''Same format as ColDist''' return { 'pct': self['pct'], 'dists': self['dists'] }
[docs]class ColZero(DetkModule) : ''' Column-wise distribution of zero counts Compute the number and fraction of exact zero counts for each column. ''' def __init__(self,count_mat) : #Get counts, number of columns, number of rows, and sample names num_rows, num_cols = count_mat.counts.shape col_names=count_mat.sample_names # Calculate zero counts, zero fractions, means, and nonzero means for # each column # the mean and median function raise warnings when a row/col is all zero # ignore with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") zero_counts = (count_mat.counts==0).sum(axis=0).fillna(0) zero_fracs = zero_counts/num_rows col_means = count_mat.counts.mean(axis=0) col_medians = count_mat.counts.median(axis=0) nonzero_col_means = count_mat.counts[count_mat.counts!=0].mean(axis=0) nonzero_col_medians = count_mat.counts[count_mat.counts!=0].median(axis=0) self['zeros'] = [] for i in range(0, num_cols): col = {} col['name'] = col_names[i] col['zero_count'] = zero_counts[i] col['zero_frac'] = zero_fracs[i] col['mean'] = col_means[i] col['median'] = col_medians[i] col['nonzero_mean'] = nonzero_col_means[i] col['nonzero_median'] = nonzero_col_medians[i] self['zeros'].append(col) @property def output(self) : ''' Tabular output is a table where each row corresponds to a column with the following fields: - name: Column name - zero_count: Number of zero counts - zero_frac: Fraction of zero counts - mean: Overall mean count - median: Overall median count - nonzero_mean: Mean of non-zero counts only - nonzero_median: Mean of non-zero counts only ''' res = [['name','zero_count','zero_frac','mean','median','nonzero_mean','nonzero_median']] for col in self['zeros'] : res.append([col[_] for _ in res[0]]) return res @property def properties(self): ''' The stats value is an array containing one object per column as follows: name column name zero_count absolute count of rows with exactly zero counts zero_frac zero_count divided by the number of rows col_mean the mean of counts in the column col_median the median of counts in the column nonzero_col_mean the mean of only the non-zero counts in the column nonzero_col_median the median of only the non-zero counts in the column Example JSON output:: { 'zeros' : [ { 'name': 'col1', 'zero_count': 20, 'zero_frac': 0.2, 'mean': 101.31, 'median': 31.31, 'nonzero_mean': 155.23, 'nonzero_median': 55.18 }, { 'name': 'col2', 'zero_count': 0, 'zero_frac': 0, 'mean': 3021.92, 'median': 329.23, 'nonzero_mean': 3021.92, 'nonzero_median': 819.32 }, ] } ''' return { 'zeros':self['zeros'] }
[docs]class RowZero(DetkModule): ''' Row-wise distribution of zero counts Computes statistics about the mean and median counts of rows by the number of zeros. ''' def __init__(self,count_mat): #Get counts, number of columns, number of rows, and gene names cnts = count_mat.counts num_cols = cnts.shape[1] self['zeros'] = [] num_zeros = (cnts==0).sum(axis=1) cum_frac = 0 for i in range(0, num_cols+1) : with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") cnts_subset = cnts[num_zeros==i] frac = cnts_subset.shape[0]/cnts.shape[0] cum_frac += frac num_zero = { 'num_zeros': i, 'num_features': (num_zeros==i).sum(), 'feature_frac': frac, 'cum_feature_frac': cum_frac, 'mean': cnts_subset.mean(axis=1).fillna(0).mean(), 'nonzero_mean': cnts_subset[cnts_subset!=0].mean(axis=1).fillna(0).mean(), 'median': cnts_subset.median(axis=1).fillna(0).median(), 'nonzero_median': cnts_subset[cnts_subset!=0].median(axis=1).fillna(0).median() } self['zeros'].append(num_zero) @property def output(self) : ''' Tabular output is a table where each row corresponds to rows having a given number of zero columns with the following fields: - num_zero: the number of zeros for this row - num_features: the number of features with this number of zeros - feature_frac: the fraction of features with this number of zeros - cum_feature_frac: cumulative fraction of features remeaning with this number of zeros or fewer - mean: the mean count mean of genes with this number of zeros - nonzero_mean: the mean count mean of genes with this number of zeros not including zero counts - median: the median count median of genes with this number of zeros - nonzero_median: the median count median of genes with this number of zeros, not including zero counts ''' res = [['num_zeros','num_features','feature_frac','cum_feature_frac','mean','nonzero_mean','median','nonzero_median']] for col in self['zeros'] : res.append([col[_] for _ in res[0]]) return res @property def properties(self) : ''' The stats value is an array containing one object per number of zeros as follows: num_zero the number of zeros for this group of features num_features the number of features with this number of zeros feature_frac the fraction of features with this number of zeros cum_feature_frac cumulative fraction of features remeaning with this number of zeros or fewer mean the mean count mean of genes with this number of zeros nonzero_mean the mean count mean of genes with this number of zeros not including zero counts median the median count mean of genes with this number of zeros nonzero_median the median count mean of genes with this number of zeros, not including zero counts Example JSON output:: { 'zeros' : [ { 'num_zeros': 0, 'num_features': 14031, 'feature_frac': .61, 'cum_feature_frac': .61, 'mean': 3351.13, 'nonzero_mean': 3351.13, 'median': 2125.9, 'nonzero_median': 2125.9 }, { 'num_zeros': 1, 'num_features': 5031, 'feature_frac': .21, 'cum_feature_frac': .82, 'mean': 3125.91, 'nonzero_mean': 3295.4, 'median': 1825.8, 'nonzero_median': 1976.1 }, ] } ''' return { 'zeros':self['zeros'] }
[docs]class Entropy(DetkModule) : ''' Row-wise sample entropy calculation Sample entropy is a metric that can be used to identify outlier samples by locating rows which are overly influenced by a small number of count values. This metric can be calculated for a single row as follows:: pi = ci/sumj(cj) sum(pi) = 1 H = -sumi(pi*log2(pi)) Here, ci is the number of counts in sample i, pi is the fraction of reads contributed by sample i to the overall counts of the row, and H is the `Shannon entropy`_ of the row when using log2. The maximum value possible for H is 2 when using Shannon entropy. Rows with a very low H indicate a row has most of its count mass contained in a small number of columns. These are rows that are likely to drive outliers in downstream analysis, e.g. differential expression. .. _Shannon entropy: ''' def __init__(self,count_mat) : #Get counts, number of columns, number of rows, and gene names cnts = count_mat.counts.values num_cols=len(cnts[0]) num_rows=len(cnts) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") entropies = count_mat.counts.apply(scipy.stats.entropy,axis=1).fillna(0) # the number of percentile bins is the minimum of: # - the unique number of distinct entropy values # - the number of features # - 100 pct = list(np.linspace(0,100,min(len(set(entropies)),cnts.shape[0],101))) pctVal = np.percentile(entropies,pct,interpolation='higher') #Format output self['entropies'] = res = defaultdict(list) res.update({ 'pct':pct, 'pctVal':pctVal }) for p1, p2 in zip(pctVal.tolist(),pctVal[1:].tolist()+[1e6]) : pct_features = entropies.index[(entropies>=p1) & (entropies<p2)] res['num_features'].append(pct_features.size) res['frac_features'].append(pct_features.size/entropies.size) res['cum_frac_features'].append(sum(res['frac_features'])) if entropies[pct_features].size != 0 : min_feature = entropies[pct_features].idxmin() res['exemplar_features'].append({ 'name': min_feature, 'entropy': entropies[min_feature], 'counts': list(zip( count_mat.counts.columns, count_mat.counts.loc[min_feature].tolist() ) ) }) else : res['exemplar_features'].append({ 'name': 'No genes in bin', 'entropy': [], 'counts': [] }) @property def output(self) : ''' Tabular output is a table where each row corresponds to a percentile with the following columns: pct percentile of entropy distribution pctVal the entropy value for each percentile num_features the number of features with entropy in the corresponding percentile frac_features the fraction of features with entropy in the corresponding percentile cum_frac_features the cumulative fraction of features with entropy in the corresponding percentile, i.e. the fraction of features with pctVal entropy or higher exemplar_feature the name of a feature with an entropy in the given percentile ''' res = [['pct','pctVal','num_features','frac_features','cum_frac_features','exemplar_feature']] fields = [self['entropies'][_] for _ in res[0][:-1]] exemplar_names = [[_['name'] for _ in self['entropies']['exemplar_features']]] res.extend(list(zip(*fields+exemplar_names))) return res @property def properties(self) : ''' The key entropies contains a single object with following keys: pct percentile of entropy distribution pctVal the entropy value for each percentile num_features the number of features with entropy in the corresponding percentile frac_features the fraction of features with entropy in the corresponding percentile cum_frac_features the cumulative fraction of features with entropy in the corresponding percentile, i.e. the fraction of features with pctVal entropy or higher exemplar_features an array of objects with an exemplar feature for each percentile with the following fields: name the name of the feature entropy the sample entropy of the feature counts array of [column name, count] pairs sorted by count ascending Example JSON output:: { 'pct': [0, 1, 2, 3, ...], 'pctVal': [0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, ...], 'num_features': [10, 12, 23, 100, ...], 'frac_features': [0.001, 0.0012, 0.0023, 0.01, ...], 'cum_frac_features': [0.001, 0.0022, 0.0045, 0.0145, ...], 'exemplar_features': [ { 'name': 'ENSG0000055095.1', 'entropy': 0, 'counts': [ ['sampleA', 0], ['sampleB',0], ..., ['sampleN',1]] }, { 'name': 'ENSG0000398715.1', 'entropy': 0.11, 'counts': [ ['sampleA', 0], ['sampleB',0], ..., ['sampleM',5]] } ] } ''' return {'entropies': self['entropies']}
[docs]class CountPCA(DetkModule) : ''' Principal common analysis of the counts matrix. This module performs PCA on a provided counts matrix and returns the principal component weights, scores, and variances. In addition, the weights and scores for each individual component can be combined to define the projection of each sample along that component. The PCA module can also use a counts matrix that has associated column data information about the samples in each column. The user can specify some of these columns to include as variables for plotting purposes. The idea is that columns labeled with the same class will be colored according to their class, such that separations in the data can be more easily observed when projections are plotted. ''' def __init__(self,count_mat) : # get counts from file and scale counts # counts matrices are n_features x n_samples, need to transpose # since PCA expects n_samples x n_features cnts = scale(count_mat.counts.values.astype(float).T) # perform PCA and fit to the data pca = PCA(n_components=min(*cnts.shape)) X = pca.transform(cnts) # get sample names sample_names = list(count_mat.counts.columns) # format output self['column_names'] = sample_names self['column_variables'] = {} # if metadata option is given, get column variables if count_mat.column_data is not None : columns = [] for k,v in count_mat.column_data.iteritems() : if k != 'counts' : columns.append({'column':k,'values':v.tolist()}) self['column_variables'] = { 'sample_names': count_mat.column_data.index.tolist(), 'columns': columns } self['components'] = [] for i in range(0, pca.n_components_): comp = {} comp['name'] = 'PC' + str(i+1) comp['scores'] = [row[i] for row in X] comp['projections'] = [row[i] for row in pca.components_] comp['perc_variance'] = pca.explained_variance_ratio_[i] if np.isnan(comp['perc_variance']) : raise Exception('nan encountered in calculating PCA component ' 'percent variance, this means the counts features have ' 'zero total variance, cannot compute PCA. Examine your ' 'counts matrix if you did not expect this?') self['components'].append(comp) @property def name(self): return 'pca' @property def output(self) : ''' Tabular output is a table where each row corresponds to a column in the counts matrix with the following fields: name name of the column for the row PC*X*_*YY* projections of principal component X (e.g. 1) that explains YY percent of the variance for each column ''' res = [['colname']+self['column_names']] for comp in self['components'] : name = '{}_{:03d}'.format(comp['name'],int(100*comp['perc_variance'])) res.append([name]+comp['projections']) # transpose the list of lists res = list(zip(*res)) return res @property def properties(self) : ''' Example JSON output:: [ 'name': 'pca', 'stats': { 'column_names': ['sample1','sample2',...], 'column_variables': { 'sample_names': ['sample1','sample2',...], 'columns': [ { 'column':'status', 'values':['disease','control',...] }, { 'column':'batch', 'values':['b1','b1',...] }, }, 'components': [ { 'name': 'PC1', 'scores': [0.126,0.975,...], # length n 'projections': [-8.01,5.93,...], # length m, ordered by 'column_names' 'perc_variance': 0.75 }, { 'name': 'PC2', 'scores' : [0.126,0.975,...], # length n 'projections': [5.93,-5.11,...], # length m 'perc_variance': 0.22 } ] } ] ''' return { 'column_names': self['column_names'], 'column_variables': self['column_variables'], 'components': self['components'] }
def main(argv=sys.argv) : if '--version' in argv : from .version import __version__ print(__version__) return # add the common opts to the docopt strings cmd_opts_aug = {} for k,v in cmd_opts.items() : cmd_opts_aug[k] = _cli_doc(v) if len(argv) < 2 or (len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] not in cmd_opts) : docopt(_cli_doc(__doc__)) argv = argv[1:] cmd = argv[0] if cmd == 'pca' : args = docopt(cmd_opts_aug['pca'],argv) counts_obj = CountMatrixFile( args['<counts_fn>'], column_data_f=args['--column-data'] ) output = CountPCA(counts_obj) elif cmd == 'summary' : args = docopt(cmd_opts_aug['summary'],argv) counts_obj = CountMatrixFile( args['<counts_fn>'], column_data_f=args['--column-data'] ) output = summary(counts_obj ,int(args['--bins']) ,args['--log'] ,args['--density'] ) elif cmd == 'coldist' : args = docopt(cmd_opts_aug['coldist'],argv) counts_obj = CountMatrixFile(args['<counts_fn>']) output = ColDist(counts_obj ,bins=int(args['--bins']) ,log=args['--log'] ,density=args['--density'] ) elif cmd == 'rowdist' : args = docopt(cmd_opts_aug['rowdist'],argv) counts_obj = CountMatrixFile(args['<counts_fn>']) output = RowDist(counts_obj ,bins=int(args['--bins']) ,log=args['--log'] ,density=args['--density'] ) elif cmd == 'colzero' : args = docopt(cmd_opts_aug['colzero'],argv) counts_obj = CountMatrixFile(args['<counts_fn>']) output = ColZero(counts_obj) elif cmd == 'rowzero' : args = docopt(cmd_opts_aug['rowzero'],argv) counts_obj = CountMatrixFile(args['<counts_fn>']) output = RowZero(counts_obj) elif cmd == 'entropy' : args = docopt(cmd_opts_aug['entropy'],argv) counts_obj = CountMatrixFile(args['<counts_fn>']) output = Entropy(counts_obj) elif cmd == 'basestats' : args = docopt(cmd_opts_aug['basestats'],argv) counts_obj = CountMatrixFile(args['<counts_fn>']) output = BaseStats(counts_obj) # make output a list if it is a singleton if not isinstance(output,list) : output = [output] #Obtain string used to name output files, unless filename is specified filename_prefix = os.path.splitext(args['<counts_fn>'])[0] outf = sys.stdout if args['--output'] != 'stdout' : outf = open(args['--output'],'wt') if args['--format'] == 'table' : from terminaltables import AsciiTable for out in output : table = AsciiTable(out.output) table.title = outf.write(table.table+'\n') else : # csv is default out_writer = csv.writer(outf,delimiter=',') # write out the output data if len(output) == 1 : out_writer.writerows(output[0].output) else : for out in output : out_writer.writerow(['#{}'.format(]) out_writer.writerows(out.output) # write out the report json with DetkReport(args['--report-dir']) as r : for out in output : r.add_module( out, in_file_path=args['<counts_fn>'], out_file_path=args['--output'], column_data_path=args.get('--column-data'), workdir=os.getcwd() ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()